Tim Bernier
Coaches Comments
Tim is an example of mental toughness and even though he may not realize it, he teaches us all how to be tougher through his example. He's hilarious, caring, and fiercely dedicated to his job. Beyond this, he's just an all-around teammate. He deeply values the meaning of teamwork and fosters this at CrossFit Meriden every day. Whether it's showing up to every single competition, bullying everyone into Tough Mudders J, or simply making people laugh - Tim gets what's it's all about!
There’s not a throw down he doesn’t go to. He drove all the way to Foxwoods for Milford Mayhem to take photos. He is always willing to help us out. He was the first person at the door ready with our most recent move. We can't thank him enough for everything he does for us and our community.

How did you hear about CrossFit Meriden?
Even though I have not lived in Meriden is 15 years or so, Meriden is home. I have tried other boxes prior to Meriden opening, but when I heard (through the grapevine) that a box was finally opening at home, I knew it was the place for me.
Why did you start at CrossFit Meriden?
I have always been a "gym rat" in one way or another. Although I might not look the part now, I was a strong and successful athlete in high school and college and spent a lot of time in "meat head gyms" with Jason Roman back in the day... this wa
s the next logical progression, I wish it existed back then!
What is the biggest change you’ve seen in yourself since you started CrossFit?
This is the first time in a long time I have stuck with one particular location for a gym. I credit the people first and foremost, we train with the most motivating group of people out there, as a result of that, the biggest change I have seen is my consistency and revitalized love for training that I had lost for a few years.
What do you like about it?
I love the functionality of the training. For me personally, the types of movements and strength gained is completely relevant to my work, 100% more so than going to a "regular gym" and a standard lifting program. Almost more than that, being with a group of like-minded, motivated people in this setting is addicting, and cheaper than therapy.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement? Why?
For anyone who know me, rumor has it I enjoy the deadlift first because it’s an area I have always been comfortable with heavy weight and well maintained form, it’s natural to me. Second, it’s motivating to me because it’s my biggest lift and one I see as the most affected by my nutrition and over all training, which keeps me honest in those areas.
Which CrossFit movement do you wish did not exist?
THRUSTERS are the devil. For every reason opposite why I like dead-lifting, very unnatural to me and flexibility is my weakness.
What would you say to someone who wants to try it?
Giving it an honest try will be the most rewarding experience in your fitness career, having been a trainer and experienced every area of training, this by far is the most consistent and functional. Drink the kool-aid…
What is something people might not know about you?
I think most people know most things about me. In my professional career, I am a retired SWAT operator, a Police Combat, Taser, OC, Baton and Handcuffing Instructor and the Detective Unit Supervisor within my Department...all of these areas were improved through my CrossFit experience. Aside from that, everyone knows my daughter Faith, however it might not be well known that I take something from EVERYONE in the box, success stories- competitions- even personal traits to use as examples for her to emulate and grow as a person.